Here are all the steps you will need to follow in order to register for the Six Dales Walk:
Please make sure you have read and understood everything below before submitting or posting your forms.
Links to all the forms are at the bottom of the page.
Read and understand the rules. HERE
Your team should be registered using the online 'Online Team Entry'.
Alternatively, paper versions of both 'Junior' or 'Senior' entry forms are available to download.
Every walker needs to complete a 'Personal information and Permission form' this can be paper or online.
The completed team entry form and all the Personal Information and Permission Forms if not completed online, along with the entry fee for all walkers should be sent by the closing date to the Entries Secretary at the address indicated on the entry form.
Check you have all the equipment you need prior to the event (you will not be able to take part if you do not have it!).
Have fun and do your best!